Thursday, June 6, 2013

Chicago Condo Market on the Rise

On Tuesday Chicago Real Estate Daily wrote an article that highlighted the rise in condominium sales in Chicago. After a six year slump, the condo market is on the upswing as more people are attracted to the convenience and lifestyle of downtown living.

The condo the article chose to highlight as an example is the Park Monroe, “a 216-unit project overlooking Millennium Park that's on the verge of selling out.” Midwest Screens has installed Phantom Screens in the Park Monroe in the recent past, which provided owners with a bug-free view of Millennium Park and the Chicago skyline. We’re thrilled that the Park Monroe is reaping the benefits of the condo comeback and look forward to serving more condo owners throughout Chicago in the days, weeks, and months ahead.  
Park Monroe, 65 E. Monroe St. - Chicago Real Estate Daily
For more information on the benefits of a Phantom Screen for your Chicago condo, contact us for a quote or to schedule a complimentary in home estimate.

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